
štvrtok 18. februára 2021

Create a smile - challenge - February Mood board

Vždy netrpezlivo čakám na výzvu, ktorú vyhlásia na Create a Smile. Vo februárovom moodboarde je tak krásna kombinácia farieb, že som hneď siahla na tieto moje nové pečiatky od nich...inak sú fakt že super, už som z nich tvorila kopec pohľadníc, ale nestihla som to dať na svetlo Božie, takže postupne ich predstavím :) a zafarbila som ich na oranžovo. Na pozadie som použila embosovaciu kapsu a pridala trocha modrej farby z podušky distress oxide...a tým sa ešte kvietky krásne zvýraznili.


7 komentárov:

  1. Ooh very nice card, love the colours and how they take in spiration from the moodboard. Thank you for playing at Create a Smile Challenges.

  2. I love this card! Your orange flowers are beautiful! 🧡 Thank you for playing along with the moodboard challenge from Create a Smile Stamps! Hugs, Tinne

  3. Woooow your card is so awesome. The flowers are looking so natural. Perfect take on the moodboardchallenge from Create a Smile.

  4. Such a gorgeous take on the mood board! Thank you for playing along with Create a smile challenge

  5. This is beautiful! I love all the texture in the background, and it's perfect for the moodboard! :)
    Thank you for playing along with the Create a Smile challenge <3

  6. Such a beautiful card! I love the colours! And I can clearly see the moodboard in it.

  7. This card is gorgeus, lovely background and coluring, Thank you so much for playing along with the Create a Smile challenge
